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Click here to take advantage of our half-price membership offer for first year students

“The best money I spend every month”

When Simon Isherwood was fired from West Midlands Trains for asking a perfectly innocent question during an online seminar, the FSU was there to defend him.

We took his case to the Employment Tribunal and secured him a five-figure settlement.

Simon is just one of more than 2,700 people the Free Speech Union has helped since it was founded in 2020, some of whom can be seen along with him in this video.

They will be forever grateful that they clicked on this button.

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The Freedoms We Defend

Freedom of Speech

Free speech is a fundamental human right and the most important one of all because without it we wouldn’t be able to defend the others. It’s the lifeblood of democracy and a bulwark against tyranny.

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Academic Freedom

Academic freedom is the lifeblood of universities. By engaging in open discussion, students and academics are able to develop different ideas and advance the frontiers of knowledge.

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Freedom of Expression

Freedom of expression is the right of artists to say what they want without fear of losing their livelihoods. Without it, Britain would soon lose its status as a global cultural superpower.

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Freedom of the Press

Freedom of the press is essential for the proper functioning of democracy. Without journalists holding the powerful to account citizens cannot make informed decisions at the ballot box.

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Freedom of Religion

Freedom of religion is a hard-won right after centuries of religious persecution. A mainstay of liberal society, it gives people the right to practice their religion without state interference.

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The Bedrock on Which all our Other Freedoms Rest

Free speech is the bedrock on which all our other freedoms rest, yet it is currently in greater peril than at any time since the Second World War. The Free Speech Union is a non-partisan, not-for-profit membership organisation that stands up for people whose right to freedom of expression has been violated. Not only do we pressure institutions to uphold their own free speech policies through direct challenges and media scrutiny, but we also litigate when we believe they’ve acted unlawfully. This work is particularly urgent in the present climate, with people being cancelled every day for daring to challenge the latest ideological dogma, either in the workplace or public square.

As a member of the Free Speech Union, you gain access to an invaluable support network that will come to your aid if you ever find yourself in trouble for something you’ve said. The FSU ensures that every voice, no matter how controversial or challenging, has the right to be heard without fear. In an era where speaking one’s mind can lead to unforeseen consequences, it’s reassuring to know that with the FSU, you’re never navigating those challenges alone.

The Organisation in Numbers

A strong community dedicated to protecting free expression

Members and Supporters in our community
0 +
Campaign emails sent to MPs using our digital petition tools
0 +
Member cases processed by our in-house support team
Our recent membership satisfaction survey​ score
0 %

Recent Victories

Legal and Legislative Victories

Invaluable Support

With you all the way

If you want to speak up about an issue that matters to you, you should be free to do so without fear of being penalised. We have helped over 2,000 people who’ve found themselves in trouble merely for expressing a controversial opinion or for exercising their right to lawful free speech, whether at college or university, in the workplace or on social media.

If you’re looking for information and guidance, or in need of immediate help, our team of experts are here to provide assistance, resources and support.

“It’s a great pleasure and an honour for me to be one of the Directors of The Free Speech Union because it’s an issue very close to my heart – not least because I’m such a fan of the practical good that The FSU does. I’ve often worried that people in my career who have columns or appear on TV can defend themselves and be defended by others in similar positions, yet people working regular jobs just don’t have anyone to defend them if a mob comes for them either online or in the workplace. The FSU really gives everybody the opportunity to avoid being picked off in the way that so many people have been in recent years – I’m thrilled to be involved.”

Douglas Murray – Bestselling Author and Director of The Free Speech Union

Kind Words From our Members

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“I would like to express the most sincere thanks to FSU for the incredible, above and beyond support I am currently receiving. I could not ask for more! Heartfelt thanks.”
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“I joined the Free Speech Union because it is making a stand against those who are attempting to destroy freedom of thought and expression, both in this country, and throughout the democratic world. Thanks for all you are doing.”
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“My family and I escaped the war with Iraq in 1988. I've seen first-hand the assault on the mind any encroachment on free speech causes. It's hard to describe to someone who hasn't lived it, the terror that your tongue may slip and you may say something less than glowing about your country's leaders, even as a child.

For us, freedom of speech bears perhaps an even more significant and personal value than most; we've witnessed societies without it and seen the assault on the human mind following from it. This is why supporting the FSU is not just a privilege but a duty.”
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‘The FSU stands for integrity, impartiality, and courage in an age where the public realm is increasingly compromised by ideology, cowardice, and careerism. In standing up for the right of the individual to speak – and therefore think – freely, the FSU defends all of us against the forces of creeping tyranny’.
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“Thank you FSU. You are an oasis in the wilderness.”
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“Thank you for keeping a contentious old body sane when the rest of the world has gone mad. I really value the intellectual content on this vital subject.”
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“I have no horrifying story of cancellation that drove me to join the FSU, just the creeping existential dread of someone who rarely talks, gradually seeing more and more of the few words they do speak becoming verboten. I saw the FSU and decided their work was worth supporting, even if I was unlikely to require the FSU's services, by joining I could help them to help anyone that needed it.”
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"If you don’t think free speech is being eroded at an alarming rate, the FSU will enlighten you. It’s so important not to take free speech for granted.”
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“I really appreciate your support with this…The Free Speech Union does amazing work.”
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“Thanks to the FSU I am not going to be disciplined by MMU for blasphemy. I won’t ever forget the only friends I had when it really counted.

Once I am qualified and no longer at the mercy of academia then the FSU can count on me for full throated and unequivocal support. If there is a fight for free speech, free expression or simply plain liberty then I don’t care who it is, I’ll be right there to man the barricades.”
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“Thank you to everyone at the Free Speech Union for all of your support. It's been really important to know that there was a group of people on my side, which had a lot of value for me.”
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“I have won my case - lock, stock and barrel. Thank you, again, for all your advice and encouragement, when, for me things were at a low ebb.”
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“The FSU are doing an incredibly important job. Great to see their membership growing so fast.”
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“I am really pleased that at last we have a union for Free speech. We must not be shut down for having an opposite view to those on the left. It's absolutely unbelievable what this cult is able to do. And I'm sick of the ever growing influence they are able to have on the general public.”
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“Thank you, without your help in taking my case seriously – I may not be celebrating.”
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“Everyone should be able to have an opinion and discuss it without the PC Police and their cronies trying to stop the Democratic right of someone to express their views”
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“The FSU are doing a fantastic job. I haven't needed their help but for all the people that did, you have helped them get their lives back together – for that we all truly thank you.

Keep up the good work. It's also nice to see you growing in strength & numbers. Good luck for the future & thank you again for all you do.”
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“Throughout my 67 years I never thought I would see the need to protect free speech in Britain. Now I am heartened and grateful that the FSU exists and makes me realise I am not alone and haven't gone crazy.”
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“I am so thankful that the FSU has been created. It is an excellent defender of our right to freedom of speech but to freedom of thought and all other inalienable rights. The FSU is needed today more than ever!!”
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“So grateful to Toby and team for creating this wonderful organisation - it's very reassuring to know the FSU is there should I need it. It gives me confidence to speak with honesty and truth and whilst I am still worried about consequences I know there are thousands of likeminded people with me – THANK YOU.”
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“Please keep pushing forwards, I feel much safer knowing there are common sense people with experience and expertise standing ready to help with the regulation overreach we see creeping into everyday life.”

FSU International

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