
Letter to Professor David Maguire, Vice-Chancellor of Sussex University, about the harassment and intimidation of Kathleen Stock


We have written to Professor David Maguire, interim Vice-Chancellor of the University of Sussex, about the disgraceful attempt by campus activists to bully Professor Kathleen Stock into silence. When Prof Stock returned to work earlier this week she was confronted with stickers outside her office demanding she be fired for being a ‘transphobe’ and a ‘terf’. We have asked Prof Maguire to assure us that action will be taken, both to protect Prof Stock and to punish the organisers of what is almost certainly an unlawful campaign of harassment and intimidation.

Below, you can see our original letter and the reply we received from Professor David Maguire on 12th October 2021.

UPDATE: We received a reply from Professor David Maguire on 12th October 2021. You can read the full text of his letter below.