
Letter to the Oxford University Proctors about OUSU’s vote to deny the Oxford Union a slot at freshers’ fair in October


We’ve written to the Proctors of Oxford University, who are responsible for student discipline, to complain about the decision by Oxford University Students’ Union (OUSU) to ban the Oxford Union from having a stall at the next Freshers’ Fair, seemingly in response to the Union’s refusal to no-platform Kathleen Stock. Kathleen is due to give a talk at the Union on 31st May and the Union has come under enormous pressure to cancel the talk, including from OUSU’s LGBTQ+ officer. We believe OUSU’s decision is a breach of the University’s Free Speech Policy, as well as its Code of Practice on Meetings and Events, and are asking the Proctors to investigate OUSU‘s officers under the University’s Code of Discipline.