
Letter to the Vice-Chancellor of Bristol University About its Shoddy Treatment of Professor Steven Greer


We’ve written to Professor Judith Squires, the V-C and Provost of Bristol University, about the University’s mistreatment of Professor Steven Greer, a distinguished human rights lawyer. You can read Prof Greer’s story in the Mail on Sunday, but the short version is he was falsely accused of Islamophobia by some Muslim activists who didn’t like his politics and then exonerated by the University, but the module he teaches every year about Islam, among other things, has now been removed from the syllabus. And the reason he was given by the administrators responsible for this censorship was that they didn’t want the course to attract any more complaints, even though the University concluded the complaints against Prof Greer were completely groundless.

Below, you can see our original letter and the reply we received from Professor Judith Squires on 29th September 2021.

UPDATE: We received a reply from Professor Judith Squires on 29th September 2021. You can read the full text of her letter below.