
Letter to the Vice-Chancellor of Cardiff about threats of violence against a group of our members at the University


We’ve been helping a group of academics at Cardiff who’ve been targeted and harassed for asking the University to look again at its membership of Stonewall’s Diversity Champions scheme. Cardiff has failed to take appropriate action, despite threats of violence against these academics, and has even misplaced evidence related to the case. The Free Speech Union has written to the Vice-Chancellor of Cardiff, Professor Colin Riordan, to ask him to set up an independent inquiry into the University’s failure to properly investigate the matter, and to present new evidence of the continuing efforts to threaten and intimidate our members.

Below, you can read our original letter, the reply we received from Professor Riordan on 28th March 2022 and another letter from us in response to Professor Riordan’s reply.

UPDATE: We received a reply from Professor Riordan on 28th March 2022. You can read the full text of his letter below.

UPDATE: A letter from us in response to Professor Riordan’s letter of 28th March 2022. You can read the full text of our letter below.