
Letters We’ve Written Defending People’s Right to Free Speech

Letter to The Rt Hon Penny Mordaunt MP concerning the guide to conspiracy theories for MPs and members of the House of Lords that she commissioned

The FSU’s General Secretary has written to Penny Mordaunt MP about a guide she commissioned, along with the Labour MP Lucy Powell, that’s designed to help Parliamentarians identify ‘conspiracy theories’ in the run-up to the General Election and which has been sent to every MP and member of the House of Lords. Although well-intentioned, it has several major flaws, e.g., two of the guide’s co-authors identified the lab leak hypothesis

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Letter as a response to the PRA consultation entitled ‘CP18/23 – Diversity and inclusion in PRA-regulated firms’

We have responded to two consultations run by the financial regulators, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and the Prudential Regulatory Authority (PRA). We’re concerned that the proposals will force regulated firms to embed politically contentious diversity and inclusion policies deeper into their businesses. We have shared with both regulators our first-hand experience of the chilling effect on free speech that diversity and inclusion initiatives have already had for employees of

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Letter to Dr James Mannion about Rethinking Education’s decision to no-platform Dr Alka Sehgal-Cuthbert

I wrote to Dr James Mannion, the CEO of Rethinking Education, about his decision to no-platform Dr Alka Sehgal-Cuthbert, the Director of Don’t Divide Us, from a one-day education conference because some of the other speakers and delegates had objected that her presence would make them feel ‘unsafe’. I asked him to apologise to Dr Sehgal-Cuthbert and arrange for her to speak at a future event, which he duly did

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Letter to Professor Sir Malcolm Evans About Regent’s Park College’s Trans Inclusion Statement

The Free Speech Union has written to Professor Sir Malcolm Evans, Master of Regent’s Park College, about the College’s Trans Inclusion Statement, which is based on a misunderstanding of the Equality Act 2010. The Statement stipulates that any “unlawful discriminatory behaviour, including transphobic harassment or bullying by individuals or groups, will be dealt with under the College’s Policy on Harassment and Bullying and within the relevant legislation, the Equality Act

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Letter to the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police about the arrest of an autistic teenage girl for ‘homophobic hate speech’

The Free Speech Union has written to the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police to complain about the arrest of a 16 year-old autistic girl who compared a Women Police Officer to her ‘lesbian nana’. She was told she was being arrested for ‘homophobic hate speech’, but we don’t think her speech meets the criminal offence threshold under the Public Order Act 2006. We also point out that if the

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Letter to the CEO of South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust’s Transitioning at Work and Gender Diversity Policy

In the course of our work we come across some pretty egregious equity, diversity and inclusion policies, but the South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust’s ‘Transitioning at Work and Gender Diversity Policy’ is the worst yet. This NHS Trust is effectively telling female Muslim employees that if they refuse to use – or express any concerns about using – toilets or showers with trans-identifying biological males they will face

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Letter to the Oxford University Proctors about OUSU’s vote to deny the Oxford Union a slot at freshers’ fair in October

We’ve written to the Proctors of Oxford University, who are responsible for student discipline, to complain about the decision by Oxford University Students’ Union (OUSU) to ban the Oxford Union from having a stall at the next Freshers’ Fair, seemingly in response to the Union’s refusal to no-platform Kathleen Stock. Kathleen is due to give a talk at the Union on 31st May and the Union has come under enormous

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Letter to Sheffield University Student Union about the free speech society

In February, a group of students at Sheffield University tried to set up a free speech society, but when they applied for official recognition from the Students’ Union it was declined. The group appealed and won, but have now been told their society is a “red risk”. That means they must attend “risk assessment” training and cannot invite any speakers on to campus without first having to submit a list

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Letter urging St John’s College to reverse its decision to cancel a film screening over threatened student protests

We’ve written to St John’s College and the University of Cambridge asking for the urgent reinstatement of a film screening organised by student Charlie Bentley-Astor which the College has cancelled. She intended to show the film Birthgap – Childless World with director Stephen Shaw, but student activists threatened protests – apparently for the ludicrous reason that Shaw had appeared on Jordan Peterson’s podcast. The College had already imposed prohibitive security

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