
Letters We’ve Written Defending People’s Right to Free Speech

Letter to the Provost of Worcester about ill-judged apology to students for allowing Christian group to hold conference on college facilities

We’ve written to Mr David Isaac CBE, the Provost of Worcester College, Oxford, asking him to retract his apology to students after they complained about the use of College facilities by the Wilberforce Academy, a summer school run by Christian Concern, and withdraw the ban he imposed on further bookings by the Academy. He apologised last year – and announced the ban – after students accused the attendees of the

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Letter to the Vice-Chancellor of Cardiff about threats of violence against a group of our members at the University

We’ve been helping a group of academics at Cardiff who’ve been targeted and harassed for asking the University to look again at its membership of Stonewall’s Diversity Champions scheme. Cardiff has failed to take appropriate action, despite threats of violence against these academics, and has even misplaced evidence related to the case. The Free Speech Union has written to the Vice-Chancellor of Cardiff, Professor Colin Riordan, to ask him to

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Letter to Minister for Education concerning intimidation campaign against Cardiff academics

We’ve written to Jeremy Miles MS, Minister for Education, urging him to intervene in the situation at Cardiff University where several of our members and their colleagues, all academic staff, have been targeted by trans activists in a long-running campaign of intimidation. It began in June 2021 after the academics urged Cardiff to reconsider its continuing participation in the Stonewall Diversity Champion scheme. Following this, a leaflet was distributed on

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Letter to Professor Karen O’Brien, Vice-Chancellor of Durham University, concerning a ‘diversity pledge’ that applicants for Assistant Professorships are required to make

We’ve written to Professor Karen O’Brien, the new Vice-Chancellor of Durham University, objecting to a requirement that those applying for the role of Assistant Professor in Durham’s International Relations department provide a statement affirming their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion. We are concerned that requiring applicants to profess their fealty to a particular belief system could be a breach of the Equality Act 2010, as well as Article 10

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Letter to Professor Martin Jones, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of Staffordshire University, regarding the investigation into Professor James Treadwell by Staffordshire University

We have written to Professor Martin Jones, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of Staffordshire University, in defence of our member Professor James Treadwell, a criminologist. He has been placed under investigation by the University after he engaged in the debate over gender self-identification and the risk it poses to female inmates in women’s prisons, following a complaint about his comments from trans activists.

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Letter to the Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Edinburgh about Sir Geoff Palmer branding two senior Edinburgh academics “racist”

We have written to Professor Peter Mathieson, the Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Edinburgh, to complain about the University’s inadequate defence of Professor Emeritus Sir Tom Devine and Jonathan Hearn, Professor of Historical Sociology, both of whom have been smeared as “racists” by Sir Geoff Palmer, Chancellor of Heriot-Watt University and Chair of the Edinburgh Slavery and Colonialism Legacy Review Group. Sir Geoff’s comments were in response to criticisms raised about

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Letter to the Vice-Chancellor of UCL About ‘Liberating the Curriculum’

We’ve written to Dr Michael Spence, the Vice-Chancellor of UCL, about the requirement that anyone in a grade 8 job at the University, or applying for one, has to remove ‘dead white able-bodied European men’ from reading lists, ‘check their privilege’ and ‘acknowledge the prejudice baked into their field’ – a requirement of UCL’s ‘Liberating the Curriculum’ policy. We think this is an infringement of their right to free speech

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Letter to Lord Wharton regarding Professor Timothy Luckhurst

We’ve written to Lord Wharton, the Chair of the Office for Students, asking him to pay close attention to the current investigation of Tim Luckhurst, the Principal of South College, Durham who is subject to a witch-hunt at the University following his invitation to Rod Liddle to give an after-dinner speech on Friday 3 December. Following his receipt of this letter, Lord Wharton gave an interview to the Telegraph in

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Letter to Master of Downing College about its new ‘Report Racism Guidance’

We have written to Mr Alan Bookbinder, the Master of Downing College, Cambridge about its new ‘Report Racism Guidance‘ which replicates many of the legally questionable aspects of the University’s controversial ‘Report + Support’ policy which was withdrawn by the Vice-Chancellor last May after the Free Speech Union wrote to him to complain about it. You can read about this letter, and why we’re concerned about Downing’s new guidance, in

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Letter to St Andrews about the diversity training students have to undergo before they matriculate

We’ve written to Professor Sally Mapstone, the Vice-Chancellor of St Andrews, about the University’s insistence that all incoming students should receive diversity training and then provide the ‘correct’ answers in a ‘quiz’ following the training before they are allowed to proceed with their studies. For instance, they’re asked to agree with the following statement: ‘Acknowledging your personal guilt is a useful start point in overcoming unconscious bias.’ In our letter,

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