Live event with Prof Matthew Goodwin – book your tickets here!

On Wednesday 7th June, we will be hosting ‘Whose values? Whose voices? Are we being silenced by a new elite?’ featuring Professor Matthew Goodwin

On Wednesday 7th June, we will be hosting ‘Whose values? Whose voices? Are we being silenced by a new elite?’ featuring Professor Matthew Goodwin, a member of our Advisory Council and the author of Values, Voice and Virtue: The New British Politics.

We’ve brought together a great panel to discuss the book with Matt: Geoffrey Evans, Professor of the Sociology of Politics at Oxford University, Baroness Claire Fox and Telegraph columnist Sherelle Jacobs. FSU General Secretary Toby Young will be chairing the discussion. The event will take place at the Emmanuel Centre in Westminster.

There will also be an audience Q&A and plenty of time to socialise afterwards. So if you can get to London, it’s a great opportunity to meet the speakers, as well as the FSU’s staff and other members. There won’t be a Zoom link on this occasion, although the event will be recorded. We therefore encourage you to book tickets to the live event. Tickets can be purchased here.