In the Media

Articles That Mention the Free Speech Union

Teachers’ union claims challenging radical gender ideology is “transphobic”

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In a letter to the NEU’s Joint General Secretaries, Free Speech Union founder Toby Young warned that the proposal is “excessively broad” and would have “the effect of silencing any challenge to gender critical ideology or the agenda of transrights activists”. He said: “Many people, not just gender critical feminists, reject the idea that sex is a social construct, and, according to the courts, the belief that sex is binary and immutable is a lawful and reasonable point-of-view, deserving of protection under the Equality Act 2010. Such people should not be compelled to make statements or endorse ideology that they do not believe”.

The Christian Institute, 28th October 2022.

University is blasted as “woke” for changing student email address format to use random letters – instead of the user’s initials – to be “more inclusive” to those who are “assuming a new identity”

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Toby Young, the founder and director of the Free Speech Union, blasted the move and said: “This seems like a parody of political correctness gone mad, the sort of thing you’d expect to see in a Netflix series satirising the ideological capture of universities by woke cultists.”

Tom Cotterill, MailOnline, 25th October 2022.

Christian Preacher Paid £10K by London Police After Wrongful Arrests for Reporting Islamist Threats

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Commenting on the Met’s apology and payout to Tash, Toby Young of the Free Speech Union, which advocated for her at the time, said: “This is a good result, but the question is whether the police are going to mend their ways and stop arresting people for the non-crime of being ’offensive’. I’m not going to hold my breath.”

Kurt Zindulka, Breitbart, 22nd October 2022.

Toby Young: My Battle With PayPal

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At around 2pm on 15th September I received an email from PayPal informing me that the company was ‘initiating closure’ of my personal account because I was ‘in violation’ of its ‘Acceptable Use Policy’. I looked up that policy and it covers a multitude of sins, but no clue was offered as to which one I’d committed. ‘If you have money in your PayPal balance, we’ll hold it for up to 180 days,’ it said. That was annoying because I had over $700 in the account, but it wasn’t the end of the world. I mainly use it for receiving payments from European magazines I write for occasionally. Then it got serious.

Toby Young, The Pavlovic Today, 18th October 2022.

Will I be PayPal’s downfall?

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Dan Schulman, the president and CEO of PayPal, gave an interview earlier this year entitled: ‘The thing that separates good companies from great ones: trust.’ He told the audience that companies need to do more than deliver an outstanding product to build trust. In addition, they need to ‘stand up for social issues that are important’ and ‘do the right things to help create a better world’. Ironically, it is precisely because PayPal has been energetically pursuing this agenda that trust in the company is beginning to evaporate.

Toby Young, The Spectator, 15th October 2022