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Articles That Mention the Free Speech Union

Cambridge don ready to lead war on woke as PM’s first free speech tsar

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Toby Young, director of the Free Speech Union, said: “Arif is an excellent choice for the role. He has a proven track record as a fearless defender of free speech. I remember when he opposed a revision to Cambridge University’s free speech policy that would have forced academics to ‘respect’ each other’s opinions. That could easily have been misused to shut down discussion and debate. He was one of very few dons willing to stick his head above the parapet on that issue, but thanks to his moral courage the word ‘respect’ was replaced with ‘tolerate’, which was a huge improvement. He has a backbone of steel.”

Louisa Clarence-Smith, The Telegraph, 9th May 2023.

University accused of “woke gobbledegook” after cutting the word “woman” from its maternity leave policy – as MPs slam it for “erasing” the experience of women

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Toby Young, director of the Free Speech Union, said the university “has become so pickled in woke gobbledegook it’s becoming a bit of a joke”. 
“Nearly all these institutions are publicly funded, yet all the polling indicates the public are overwhelmingly opposed to this nonsense. The University of the Arts has become so pickled in woke gobbledegook it’s becoming a bit of a joke. I hope it can correct course before it goes bankrupt.”

Connor Stringer, Daily Mail, 4th May 2023.

Willetts: free speech bill “could protect extreme views”

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Appearing at the same event, Bryn Harris, the chief legal counsel for the Free Speech Union, said another potential issue when the bill is implemented will be universities arguing that freedom of speech within the law allows them to impose employment policies that can then restrict what academics say.
He agreed the new legislation “may see institutions performing a tightrope walk between compliance with this bill or, if they get it slightly wrong, potentially falling foul of the Equality Act”. But this could be dealt with by the OfS guidance, he said.
There needs to be “interplay” between free speech and HR committees to ensure overall compliance with all legislation, he said, adding that “universities are going to have a lot of work to do.”

Tom Williams, Times Higher Education, 26th April 2023.

Oxford students call for feminist Kathleen Stock to be no-platformed at Union over trans views

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Toby Young, director of the Free Speech Union, said: “For the past five years, LGBTQ activists have been refusing to debate gender critical feminists, claiming their views are ‘harmful’ and smearing them as bigots and TERFS [trans-exclusionary radical feminists]. As a consequence, they’re losing the argument in the public square and setting the cause of trans rights backwards.”

Louisa Clarence-Smith, The Telegraph, 24th April 2023.

Report: “British police in free speech crisis”

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The Free Speech Union (FSU) said there is a “free speech crisis” in British policing and that forces were spending little or no time on the right to freedom of expression.
The FSU’s report states that the concept of “gender identity” is not the consensus position and it is “concerning to find police EDI training endorsing one side of this ongoing debate”.
The report claims that officers, primed by “partisan EDI training to see any criticism of gender identity as intrinsically ‘hateful’”, have been arresting “gender critical speakers without a second thought”.

The Christian Institute, 25th March 2023.

Christian theology lecturer sacked by Bible college over tweet on human sexuality

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Toby Young, General Secretary of the Free Speech Union, said: “Expressing orthodox Christian beliefs should not be grounds for dismissal from a purportedly Christian organisation. I look forward to Alastair Campbell defending Aaron Edwards’ right to free speech, just as he did Gary Lineker’s.”
“Defending free speech means defending the right of people to express views you do not agree with, not just those you agree with.”

Christian Today, 20th March 2023.

Enid Blyton books hidden ‘under the counter’ as libraries fret about offensive language

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Dr Byrn Harris, legal counsel for the Free Speech Union, said: “The Free Speech Union deals with a lot of curious decisions regarding free speech – however even we are bemused by the decision to treat the author of Noddy as dangerous and subversive samizdat.”
“Public libraries obviously cannot stock everything, but by law they must provide a ‘comprehensive and efficient’ service.”
“Deliberately holding back certain works and making them less accessible might fall short of that standard, especially if the reasons for doing so are of dubious relevance – for instance, because the librarian finds those works subjectively offensive.”
“If public libraries insist on having a censorship policy then users, especially children and their parents or guardians, must be clearly informed that the library’s holdings may not be comprehensive as a result of the policy.”

Craig Simpson, The Telegraph, 18th March 2023.