In the Media

Articles That Mention the Free Speech Union

No known links to slavery … but Cambridge college decolonises anyway

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Toby Young, the general secretary of the Free Speech Union, said: “If Clare College genuinely cares about this issue, why doesn’t it campaign against modern forms of slavery, like the internment of over a million Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims in labour camps by the Chinese authorities?” He said that the college should refuse to accept grants or donations from organisations linked to the Chinese government, adding: “Renaming part of its vast property empire is pointless virtue signalling. It costs them nothing and benefits no one.”

Louisa Clarence-Smith, The Telegraph, 28th June 2022.

TOBY YOUNG: How sad to see a former champion of British values succumb to anti-patriotic self-loathing

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Few will be surprised to learn that an organisation funded by the British taxpayer once issued a ‘non-discriminatory’ language guide that urged its staff not to refer to ‘Brits’, or use the phrase ‘the Queen’s English’. The reason the latter was ‘problematic’, we were told, was that ‘it implies that these varieties of English are more correct or of greater importance than others’.

Toby Young, Mail on Sunday, 25th June 2022.

Oxford college run by former Stonewall chairman apologises for axing Christian event

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Toby Young, Founder and Director of The Free Speech Union, commented: “The mistake Worcester College made was to immediately capitulate to the demands of an activist mob and ban a group from its premises without properly investigating the allegations against it. We see this kind of institutional cowardice again and again, particularly in the higher education sector, usually motivated by a desire for a quiet life. The way to force these institutions to take their responsibility to uphold free speech more seriously is to make it clear that organisations like ours will create an almighty fuss if they don’t.”

The Christian Institute, 25th June 2022.

“Woke” Open University anti-racist training course titled “Union Black” tells academics that “white superiority” is “embedded in the English language”

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Toby Young, General Secretary of the Free Speech Union, told MailOnline: “The practice of publicly shaming your intellectual opponents and calling for them to lose their livelihoods is absolutely abhorrent and has no place in universities. Academics should be free to dissent from prevailing campus orthodoxies without fear of punishment. For Santander and the Open University to be promoting cancel culture is deeply irresponsible. Academics should be encouraged to tolerate people whose views they disagree with, not to demand their defenestration.”

Jack Wright, MailOnline, 16th June 2022.

Toby Young: Don’t be fooled. The Online Safety Bill poses a grave threat to our tradition of free speech.

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In an article published last week, Chris Philp says the House of Commons committee that is scrutinising the Online Safety Bill has heard evidence from a “wide range of people… welcoming this pioneering internet safety law”. Had the committee invited the Free Speech Union to give evidence – or, indeed, Index on Censorship, Big Brother Watch, or any other pro-free speech organisations – the response would have been less enthusiastic.

Toby Young, Conservative Home, 15th June 2022.

Cancel culture is beneficial “for social and racial justice”

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The Free Speech Uno has criticised the Union Black course, with the organisation’s chief legal counsel Bryn Harris commenting: “I am disappointed, though sadly not surprised, to learn that UK academics are being trained in the virtues of cancel culture. It seems instead that these materials were agitprop training materials, and that this is another sad example of UK universities’ inability to be serious about academic freedom and freedom of speech.”

Craig Simpson, The Telegraph, 11th June 2022.