In the Media

Articles That Mention the Free Speech Union

Woke Online Safety Bill Keeps “Legal But Harmful”

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The Bill has managed to unite Toby Young’s Free Speech Union, gender critical feminists, LGBT groups, and the churches in opposition. The civil service has been so captured by woke special interest groups that the Bill released today creates a legal requirement for perfectly legal content to be taken off the internet. You’ll no longer be free to say online what you could say legally in a pub…

Guido Fawkes, 17th March 2022.

The new Online Safety Bill: better, but still awful

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Twitter permanently suspended one Free Speech Union member for posting the following comment: “Women are females. Trans women are not female & never will be.” In another case, a woman was suspended from Facebook for 24 hours for breaching its “bullying and harassment” policy for saying to a trans activist “go away silly troll”.

Jennifer Powers, The Post by UnHerd, 17th March 2022.

Lecturers at UK universities are self-censoring to avoid offending Chinese students: Up to 44% of tutors say they miss topics in online lessons with 66% fearing a threat to academic freedom

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Toby Young, General Secretary of the Free Speech Union, said: “The people who deny there’s a free speech crisis in British universities often point to the fact that only a handful of academics are no-platformed each year. But that’s the tip of the iceberg. As George Orwell pointed out in the introduction to Animal Farm, the most ubiquitous form of censorship is self-censorship and we know from surveys and polls that a huge number of academics are self-censoring.”

James Gant, MailOnline, 23rd February 2022.

“Go see the headmaster… now go see the head him/they/them!”: Fury over “woke” call to cancel traditional terms like “Sir” and “Miss” in schools and say gender-neutral “teacher” instead

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Toby Young, founder of the Free Speech Union, also said today: “Teaching unions should confine themselves to fighting for better pay and conditions and stop promoting woke gobbledegook. Asking their members to tell children not to call them ‘Sir’ or ‘Miss’ is inappropriate and will make teachers’ lives harder, not easier.”

Stewart Carr and Jamie Phillips, MailOnline, 15th February 2022.

Jacqueline Wilson admits Enid Blyton “wouldn’t be that thrilled” about her woke rewrite of The Magic Faraway Tree as author’s society says it’s a “pity” new “gender equality” version has been commissioned

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The Free Speech Union, which advocates freedom of speech, added: “Classic works of children’s literature should not be rewritten to make them more politically correct. They are of their time and teaching children that previous generations thought differently to them is a more valuable lesson than shoehorning in woke platitudes about gender equality. What’s next? Is Jacqueline Wilson going to rewrite Lord of the Flies and change Piggy’s name to Percy to avoid fat-shaming?”

James Gant, MailOnline, 12th January 2022.