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Articles That Mention the Free Speech Union

Police officer accused of racism for making a joke about eating curry faces misconduct hearing

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Last night Toby Young, General Secretary of the Free Speech Union, said: “The woke Witchfinder-Generals have gone mad. There was absolutely nothing racist about this joke. When this investigation concludes that there is no case to answer, I hope the episode isn’t recorded on the constable’s record as a non-crime hate incident.”

Daily Mail Reporter, MailOnline, 10th September 2021.

Sadiq Khan slammed amid Guy’s Hospital statue row “You can’t change history!”

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Emma Webb from the Free Speech Union has entered the debate around Guy’s Hospital’s attempt to remove a statue of founder Thomas Guy. Ms Webb attacked the foundation of Guy’s and St Thomas’ for decision and echoes the Culture Secretary Olive Dowden’s remarks that the institution was “pandering to wokery.” She went on to point the figure of blame at London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

Tim McNulty, Daily Express, 5th September 2021.

Court threat to university over “cancellation” of Catholic chaplain

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The Free Speech Union (FSU) said it will take the University of Nottingham to court unless it reversed its decision not to recognise Fr David Palmer as Catholic chaplain. “The fact that Fr David’s appointment has been obstructed in this way, but not the appointment of the university’s Jewish chaplain, three Muslim chaplains or the eight other Christians chaplains, suggests he is a victim of unlawful discrimination,” wrote Mr Young.

Simon Caldwell, Catholic Herald, 3rd September 2021.

LSE students demand university bans all private school students, eradicates free market economist Friedrich Hayek from the curriculum, no platforms speakers and introduces minority quotas for staff

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Toby Young, General Secretary of the Free Speech Union, told MailOnline: “The statements of LSE Class War read like the work of a satirist. Do a group of upper-middle class students at one of Britain’s most exclusive universities really want to wage war against posh people? Or is this a prank designed to take the Mickey out of privately-educated student activists? Unfortunately, we know from experience that student demands that should be treated as a joke are taken deadly seriously by those in authority, so the Free Speech Union stands ready to defend the Hayek Society if there’s any move to ban it. Universities should be places where students are exposed to a broad range of different ideas, not a woke echo chamber.”

James Gant, MailOnline, 27th July 2021.