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Articles That Mention the Free Speech Union

Facing the axe…by order of the university gender police

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A spokesman for the Free Speech Union said: “Lisa is one of at least two dozen cases we’ve been dealing with at Scottish universities. In most of these cases, the student or academic has been placed under investigation, or worse, simply for expressing a point of view that challenges campus orthodoxy – even if it’s something the vast majority of Scottish people would agree with, as in Lisa’s case. Free speech is in even greater peril north of the Border than it is in England.”

Georgia Edkins, The Mail on Sunday, 16th May 2021.

Complimenting foreign student’s English a “microaggression”, says Imperial College

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Toby Young, general secretary of the Free Speech Union which has dealt with 100 cases of campus censorship in the past year, said protections from “over-reaching diversitycrats” trying to police speech and thought are urgently needed. “Universities have no business telling their academic staff what they can and can’t praise about their students’ work,” he said. “These misguided woke initiatives, which undermine academics’ autonomy and professional integrity, is exactly why we need more protection for free speech on campus.”

Ewan Somerville, The Telegraph, 15th May 2021.

New Online Safety Bill risks stifling the press, restricting free speech and introducing “state-backed censorship on a scale never seen in the UK”, campaigners warn

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General Secretary of the Free Speech Union Toby Young said: “This draft Bill poses a serious danger to free speech, bringing the content that journalists, newspapers and magazines create on social media within scope of a state regulator. Admittedly, it includes various protections for journalistic content, as well as content of democratic importance – and those protections are welcome – but an important line has been crossed nevertheless. The state has no business regulating the work of journalists, whether it’s in a newspaper or on Facebook.”

James Gant, MailOnline, 12th May 2021.

Student unions who “cancel” speakers on campus could be fined £500,000 under Boris’s new free speech law allowing “de-platformed” people to take institutions to court

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Free Speech Union general secretary Toby Young said: ‘It’s great to see that the Government is following through on its pledge to better protect free speech in English universities. In the past year the Free Speech Union has dealt with over 100 campus free speech cases, an average of almost two cases a week. Anyone who thinks speech protections in universities don’t need strengthening hasn’t been paying attention. Cancel culture has spread like a virus across university campuses in the past few years and this Bill will act like a vaccine to protect at-risk students and academics.”

Jemma Carr, MailOnline, 12th May 2021.

Free speech campaigners welcome Boris’s war on woke after PM reveals “cancel culture” victims denied platforms by universities can now seek compensation in courts

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The Free Speech Union, today welcomed the plan, saying in a post on Twitter: “Great to see the Government following through on its pledge to better protect free speech in universities. In the past year we’ve dealt with over 100 campus free speech cases. Anyone who thinks speech protections in universities don’t need strengthening hasn’t been paying attention.”

David Wilcock, MailOnline, 11th May 2021.

Revealed: How Oxbridge has spent £10,000 on controversial unconscious bias training for staff since 2015 – after “ideological snake oil” practices were scrapped by public and private firms

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General Secretary of the Free Speech Union Toby Young told MailOnline: “It is disappointing that Cambridge university, where I was a graduate student, is pushing this expensive ideological snake oil on its staff. Cambridge is a world-leading university and its students and staff don’t need to be spoon fed this pabulum by people who, quite frankly, would have struggled to get into Cambridge themselves.”

James Gant, MailOnline, 6th May 2021.

Children’s Harry Potter book festival event is cancelled over JK Rowling transphobia row after discussions with the LGBTQ community

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Last night Toby Young, founder of the Free Speech Union, which is due to open its first branch in New Zealand next week, said: “J. K. Rowling is one of Britain’s most influential and respectable contemporary writers. This is why the decision by the Wairarapa book festival to cancel a children’s Harry Potter quiz because of comments J. K. Rowling made during an important debate on women’s only spaces is chilling. If the creator of our most successful export since James Bond can be declared persona non grata, anyone can.”

Sanchez Manning, The Mail on Sunday, 2nd May 2021.