In the Media

Articles That Mention the Free Speech Union

IPSO transgender ruling: Gay campaigner and free speech advocate adds voice to criticism – saying it could stifle debate on upcoming bill

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“As a member of the Free Speech Union’s NI Advisory Council, I am especially concerned at the privileging of one side in the gender dispute to the point where legitimate debate is stifled. If newspapers are forced at considerable expense to fight plainly trivial cases involving hurty words in front of IPSO, the very existence of a free press is now called into question.”

Adam Kula, The Belfast News Letter, 15th December 2024.

A ‘chilling’ attack on free speech by media regulator IPSO

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Toby Young, Director of the Free Speech Union, said IPSO “has censured The Spectator for publishing an article that is in no way inaccurate or intrusive but which it disapproves of for political reasons. If a press regulator penalises a newspaper or magazine just because it doesn’t like its politics, it is no longer fit for purpose.”

The Christian Institute, 13th December 2024.

Press watchdog accused of chilling effect on free speech over trans writer ruling

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Toby Young, the director of the Free Speech Union, told The Telegraph that it was not the press regulator’s role to “enforce gender identity ideology”. He said: “Ipso is supposed to make sure newspaper and magazine articles are fair and accurate. It shouldn’t be in the business of trying to enforce gender identity ideology. Punishing the Spectator for publishing something factually accurate about a trans woman risks turning it into a laughing stock.”

Janet Eastham, The Telegraph, 10th December 2024.

As Town Hall chiefs get permission to hike council taxes, now ‘cash-strapped’ SNP local authority shells out on ‘woke’ staff training

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Last night, director of the Free Speech Union in Scotland, Fraser Hudghton said: “Unconscious bias training is the preferred means of the woke Stasi to get us all confessing what terrible beings we are. The problem is it’s a lot of garbage and only increases prejudice where previously there was none.”

Georgia Edkins, Daily Mail, 7th December 2024.