In the Media

Articles That Mention the Free Speech Union

Sollys er det bedste desinfektionsmiddel

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»Vi har aldrig haft en Tjeka, et Stasi eller et Gestapo i dette land. Vi har aldrig levet i et orwellsk samfund,« sagde den britiske højesteretsdommer Julian Knowles for nylig. »Men« – tilføjede han – »det britiske samfund er på en farlig kurs.«

Mette Rodgers, Weekendavisen, 27th March 2020.

Oxford college investigates after lecturer is ‘no platformed’ at women’s history summit

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Prof Selina Todd helped organise the event, only to find herself uninvited. […] Now Exeter College has launched an investigation into the “no platforming” of Prof Todd, after a formal complaint was submitted by the journalist Toby Young on behalf of the Free Speech Union.

Camilla Turner, The Daily Telegraph, 3rd March 2020. [Read our Letter of Complaint to Exeter College.]