Speakeasy with Meghan Murphy

Our next members-only Online Speakeasy is ‘Defeating Twitter Bans and Defending Free Speech’, featuring me in conversation with Meghan Murphy.

Our next members-only Online Speakeasy is ‘Defeating Twitter Bans and Defending Free Speech’, featuring me in conversation with Meghan Murphy. Join us on Zoom at 7.30pm on Wednesday 8th March for this online Speakeasy with Canadian journalist, writer and podcaster Meghan Murphy.

If you’re an FSU member, you can find the link to register for this event in last Friday’s newsletter and it will be emailed again in coming weeks. If you are not yet a member, please consider joining the FSU to secure a place at exclusive events such as this.

Meghan is the founder and editor of a feminist website and the host of YouTube channel The Same Drugs. She has spoken up about the issue of gender identity legislation and women’s rights, including in the Canadian senate and the Scottish Parliament, and has had to endure repeated threats of death, rape, violence and censorship (Telegraph). On the topic of censorship, Meghan was permanently banned from Twitter in 2018 for saying that men are not women. Thankfully, the ban was lifted by Twitter’s new owner and CEO, Elon Musk in November 2022.

The focus of her work for many years was on cultural analysis from a feminist and socialist perspective, though in a recent interview with Spiked she admitted that one of the things she gained from being banned from Twitter was “connecting with people who had been advocating for free speech for a long time” and she has since switched her focus to the fight for free speech. “You would hope people would understand why censorship and controlling speech for political purposes are dangerous,” she says, “but so many people don’t seem to get it.”

You can find Meghan on Twitter here and Substack here. To whet your appetite for the FSU’s Speakeasy, you can listen to Meghan’s appearance on The Joe Rogan Experience here and her Triggernometry podcast appearance here.