Academics self-censoring out of fear of being bullied, says Vice Chancellor
Universities are “lying to themselves” if they think they have no free speech problems, a prominent Vice Chancellor has admitted.
Universities are “lying to themselves” if they think they have no free speech problems, a prominent Vice Chancellor has admitted.
A number of UK universities – including prestigious Russell Group institutions – have launched “an overt attack on intellectual freedom”, ...
Prof Arif Ahmed, a former FSU Advisory Council member and now the Office for Student’s new Director for Free Speech ...
Harvard professor Roland Fryer has revealed he faced threats from woke activists and had to get armed security after publishing ...
Edinburgh University is engulfed in yet another public row with academics and students at the institution who appear to regard ...
An overwhelming majority of US universities and colleges impose regulations on students’ free speech, according to a new report from ...
A series of court cases, most recently those of academic Jo Phoenix and social worker Rachel Meade, shows that workplace ...
A human resources professor sacked by his university just four days before Christmas, has claimed he lost his job over ...
In an important victory for freedom of speech and academic freedom, former Open University Prof Jo Phoenix has won her ...
The Free Speech Union
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