The rise of the woke bureaucracy
New research published by the TaxPayers’ Alliance last week shows that, in the past three years, Britain’s cash-strapped councils have almost doubled ...
New research published by the TaxPayers’ Alliance last week shows that, in the past three years, Britain’s cash-strapped councils have almost doubled ...
Civil servants are being taught to spot workplace 'microaggression' — a concept that's riddled with internal contradictions, but resonates with ...
Civil servants have been encouraged to identify so-called ‘microaggressions’ and ‘microbehaviours’ in the workplace and to regard them as evidence ...
We’ve responded to two diversity and inclusion consultations run by the UK’s financial regulators, the FCA and the PRA, which ...
BBC staff have been told not to hire candidates who are “dismissive” about, or “derisory of”, diversity, inclusion, and “surrounding ...
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