
The Free Speech Union responds to the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries’ Consultation on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion


We’ve responded to the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries’ (IFoA) consultation on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) and the proposal to publish non-mandatory guidance to its members regarding the DEI regulatory requirements. This consultation is the next stage in the IFoA’s updating its Code of Conduct to (among other things) require its members to promote DEI. We are concerned this will result in further suppression of its members’ freedom of speech, especially as the IFoA’s Code of Conduct has very broad application, including across individual members’ personal lives, e.g. what they say on their personal social media accounts. We remain firmly opposed to the changes to the Code, which we regard as fit for purpose as it stands, especially when the changes are interpreted alongside this draft guidance. It will have a detrimental effect on the free speech of the IFoA’s members and is likely to trigger a wave of vexatious, politically motivated complaints against them.