The FSU would love to hear about your experiences of cancel culture!  

Thanks to your support, we’ve been helping to defend our members’ free speech rights for more than three years.

Thanks to your support, we’ve been helping to defend our members’ free speech rights for more than three years.

In that time, our in-house legal team, working with our casework team, has assisted more than 2,000 individuals. As a result, we’ve gained a unique insight into cancel culture – and contrary to the tenets of woke millennial orthodoxy, we’re now in a position to state with absolute certainty that reports of its non-existence are greatly exaggerated.

That said, we’d like to gain even further insight by hearing from our newsletter recipients, both those who have been helped directly by our case team, and also any others who may have been affected by cancel culture.

The results of this survey will be used to help us engage more effectively in the public conversation and to inform our in-house case work. By cancel culture, we mean the general cultural background that leads to situations where our legal free speech rights as citizens are put at risk or actively curtailed, and unwarranted sanctions are applied.

Please follow this link to complete the anonymous survey: FSU Cancel Culture Survey.

It should take no more than five minutes and we will share a summary of the results of this survey in a future FSU newsletter.